Dr Barbara L Katz Coaching
Life and Weight Loss Coaching
I help you make permanent changes in your life using coaching, NLP, and self-hypnosis.
I lost over 40 pounds in my 60s without dieting, and I would love to help you to lose your excess weight forever. Hormonal changes do not have to make it more difficult for you to lose weight!
I can also help you to change habits, reach goals, sleep better, decrease anxiety, and increase your confidence.
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Women's hormonal changes as they age provide challenges to losing weight permanently. I lost weight in my 60s without dieting - and you can lose weight at any age with the help of coaching and mind management tools.
I also help you to reach your goals, have better relationships, manage your time, increase self-confidence, decrease anxiety, and sleep better.
Schedule a no-obligation and no-pressure call to learn more.
Schedule a free strategy session with meTestimonials
“Barbara is fantastic. She really helped me get my meal planning on track and was able to give me that push I needed to continue on a solid path for weight loss, health and wellness. Barbara is easy to talk to, compassionate, and doesn’t make judgements when you go off the rails. She provides encouragement when needed and solid advice for better eating habits. “
LM – New England