Decrease Your Hunger by Becoming Fat Adapted

Mar 23, 2022



As I've gotten older, I've learned that my body is much more sensitive to sugar and flour than it was when I was younger.  It was not until my body became fat adapted, that I was able to easily lose weight - and keep it off.  If what you have been doing has not been working, I recommend that you give this a try.

Are you scared of being hungry?  Do you sometimes eat when you’re not hungry, because you're worried that your next meal will be delayed - or that you might even miss that meal? If so, this method of eating might be what you are looking for.  When you become fat adapted, you will feel less hungry and  worried about missing a meal - for whatever reason.

When you consistently eat more food than your body needs to function - by eating when you're not hungry - not only do you store that extra food as fat, but depending on what foods you choose to eat, you might still feel “hungry” even though you have eaten more than enough food.  Eating more food than your body needs too much of the time, causes you to gain excess weight.  You might also have a habit of eating at certain times of day or in certain situations (such as when you go to the movies), even if your body does not need food at those times.

One relatively easy way to learn to eat the right amount of food your body needs, without feeling hungry, is by allowing your body to become fat adapted.  When your body becomes fat adapted, you are able to use your excess body fat stores as fuel - rather than using glucose (or other sugars) as fuel.  When your body uses your stored fat as fuel, you might notice that you start losing weight with minimal to no hunger. When your body becomes fat adapted, along with not feeling very hungry, your cravings for sugar and carbohydrates decrease as well.   

It takes approximately 7 to 10 days of eating minimal sugar and flour to become fat adapted.  While fasting and keto diets usually allow for fat adaptation, it is also possible to become fat adapted with a much less restrictive diet. 

I highly recommend reading Dr. Jason Fung’s book “The Obesity Code” for more information about foods and fat adaptation.  By avoiding refined carbohydrates such as flours, and avoiding simple sugars, such as table sugar, honey, and syrup,  bodies do not need to produce as much insulin and insulin levels drop. 

 Insulin normally allows glucose to enter into body cells to produce energy.  If your body produces less insulin, due to a change in your diet, less sugars and processed carbohydrates will be stored as fat.  By eating more whole foods, and less sugary and processed foods, your insulin levels will decrease.  Your body can then use its own fat for energy (which then leads to weight loss). 

Eating some fat with every meal may help to keep you satisfied longer without hunger.  Fats are not your enemy.  By adding olive oil, full fat salad dressing, avocado, nuts, or other fats to your meals, you can make your meals tempting and satisfying, and yet, still lose weight. 

When you are fat adapted, and your body needs fuel, your body sends out a hunger signal and you feel hungry; however, that feeling of hunger usually goes away after a short period of time.  If you choose not to eat at that time, then your body will use its stored fat for energy.   Your body will “dine in” on its own fat and you will lose fat stores and weight.  When you have less hunger, you may choose to eat less often and/or you may eat less food and ultimately you will lose weight.

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